Project Description
Portfolio Performance
The Portfolio Performance module provides cannabis investors the ability to track their company’s core metrics in real-time, shortening the feedback loop before board meetings and automating the data delivery process.
Module Highlights
Good For
Cannabis Investors
Primary Use-case
Real-time tracking of key metrics for all portfolio companies
Data Level
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Typical Fee per Company
$1000 sign-up* + $100 / month
(bulk discounting applies for multiple licenses)
*Our sign-up fee covers source integration, data normalization & a 1-hour training session for all users. The final price is based on your specific data streams and will be reflected in your formal proposal. We offer average pricing here for reference only.
Typical data sources:
- Seed-to-sale software
- POS software
- Accounting software
- Internal spreadsheets
- Other data sources
Actionable insights:
- Performance of portfolio companies
- Transparency from company management to investors
- Shorter feedback loop on key initiatives