Project Description
Pro Forma / Financial Model Audit
The Pro Forma / Financial Model analysis is a comprehensive review of your existing financial model. We go through the nitty gritty of all of your assumptions, formulas, and expectations around revenues and costs to yield a complete audit of your pro forma for internal and external validation.
After completing our audit, we will issue a report with red & yellow flags as well as recommendations for resolving any potential issues. Once all the red and yellow flags have been addressed, we issue a “Validated by Cannabis Big Data” to use in pitches with your investors and partners.

Analysis Highlights
Good For
Retail Stores, Dispensaries, Cultivators, Manufacturers, Ancillary Businesses
Primary Use-case
Validating financial model for internal planning and pitching investors
Data Level
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Typical Fee per License / Entity
$1250 one-time fee
(bulk discounting applies for multiple licenses / entities)
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